Tributo a 

Sir Clive Sinclair


Neste momento de pesar, o Museu LOAD ZX Spectrum compromete-se a fazer chegar as mensagens de tributo e condolências que nos enviem à família de Sir Clive Sinclair.

Tal como num livro que podemos folhear, as mensagens são obrigatoriamente públicas e por isso alvo de moderação (feita 1x ao dia).

Sir Clive Sinclair - Mensagem de Tributo

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61 entries.
José Borges from Loulé wrote on 3 de October, 2021 at 11:33
All my professional life, has come from a little black box I first saw when I was 12 years old. I have never been able to forget or disuse it, and I still have it with me as well as all the memories... Thanks Sir Clive, for changing my world by creating the ZXSpectrum!!!
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Nuno Ascenso from Leiria, PT wrote on 2 de October, 2021 at 23:13
Sir Clive, thank you. Thank you for the opportunity to unify millions of humans around your creations. You was a magician, a truly dreamer and the last greatest inventor who has connected passion and technology. Thank you for all.
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Ricardo Baptista from Coimbra wrote on 2 de October, 2021 at 22:03
My condolences to the family. Had a Timex 2048 (Portuguese made 48k basic microcomputer). Played a lot, didn't become a programmer but it was my introduction to computers. People like Sir Clive Sinclair have enabled the huge changes in the last 40 years, by looking ahead and experimenting new ways of doing things. Condolências à família. Tive um Timex 2048. Joguei bastante, não passei para a parte da programação mas foi o primeiro contacto com a informática, área de que gosto até hoje. A mudança nos últimos 40 anos tem sido enorme, muitas vezes alavancada em visionários e experimentadores como Sir Clive Sinclair. Thank you very much Sir!
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Daniel from Gondomar wrote on 2 de October, 2021 at 21:34
Thanks for your vision and create the machine that made many hours of fun. R.I.P
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Fabio Borges Schmidt from São Paulo, Brasil wrote on 2 de October, 2021 at 21:17
Num final de tarde em alguma parte de 1985, meu saudoso pai me perguntou: eletrônica ou medicina? Porque a família toda tinha um pé na área médica mas meu destino ficou cravado quando comecei a ver aquelas cores do TK-95, clone do fantástico ZX Spectrum. Sir Clive, sua obra fez minha carreira e sou muito grato por tudo. God bless you!
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Manoel Carvalho from Brasil wrote on 2 de October, 2021 at 20:59
Em nome da comunidade brasileira de entusiastas dos computadores da Sinclair, gostaria de expressar minha gratidão pela genialidade, trabalho e determinação de Sir Clive.
Tornou-se um homem respeitado e admirado por muitos brasileiros. Pessoas que tiveram literalmente suas vidas transformadas e profissionalmente norteadas por suas invenções.
Espero que tenha encontrado a paz que coroa aqueles que, de alguma forma, fizeram alguém mais feliz nesta vida. Sir Clive, mesmo sem saber, fez a felicidade de muitos por aqui.
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José Gonçalves from PORTO wrote on 30 de September, 2021 at 20:17
Perdeu-se um dos maiores homens da história.
Sem dúvida um dos que marcou a minha infância até agora.
Descansa em paz Sir a clive Sinclair
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it's a P/XEL thing from Portugal wrote on 28 de September, 2021 at 15:34
Needless to say that you, kind Sir, inspired me to find my path in life. The first time I got my hands on a rubber keyed 48K ZX Spectrum, back in 1983, I instantly foreseen my own future. So, for that, I blame you and also thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Nowadays, through my youtube channel, I'm keeping alive the memories and experiences I had back in the day and share them with the world. And I truly believe that you, Sir, would approve. It's also a way for me to say "thank you". I'm truly honored to have experienced and lived through those incredible years. I bow to you.
Rest in peace. And my sincere condolences to the family.
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João Bárbara from Vila Nova de Gaia wrote on 28 de September, 2021 at 6:50
Thank you much for all the joyous moments you helped providing to my young self. You changed personal computing forever, even if not in the way you had originally envisioned. Hope I'll be able to see you for some tea and biscuits when my time here is over.

Once again... thank you.
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José Antonio Costa de Moyq from Mahón (España) wrote on 27 de September, 2021 at 16:01
Nada para mí fue igual despues de tener un ZX Spectrum. Me hizo disfrutar, soñar, me hizo mejor persona. ¡Gracias Sir Clive
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Telmo Mota from Vila Nova de Gaia wrote on 26 de September, 2021 at 22:50
Sir Clive,
thank you for creating a machine that fueled our dreams and sharpened our creativity. Thank ypu for your vision about the electric car, the computer for the masses, the crescent presence of tecnology in our lives. But above all, thank you for your faith in Humanity and the relevance of entrepeneurship in our future. Rest in peace. Farewell.
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Delio Almeida from Condeixa-a-Nova wrote on 26 de September, 2021 at 21:10
When I heard what happened to Sir Clive Sinclair ... my thinking stopped, my world stopped for a moment. He was the inventor of the ZX Spectrum machine, the first PC I have ever had, the one video games machine that shaped and changed my life forever. Today I am a Computer Scientist, I dedicated my life to developing and creating systems and software for more than 20 years. I Known I must thank Sir Clive Sinclair for his role and play in my life. To all his family, my sincere condolences.
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Andre Cavaco from Oeiras wrote on 26 de September, 2021 at 13:11
He change the world for kids in the 80s generation, and gave me and others lots of ours of joy, for that we will be eternaly graytfull , my respect and condolences to all the family.
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Sérgio Fernandes from Guimarães wrote on 26 de September, 2021 at 11:38
O Sir Sinclair viverá para sempre através do seu fabuloso legado.
Em sua memória Load "" Enter.
Sentimentos à família e amigos.
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João Silva from Entroncamento wrote on 26 de September, 2021 at 10:35
Homenagem a Sir Clive Sinclair

Nunca esquecerei que, em 1983, quando tinha 13 anos, houve um dia em que um tio meu foi a casa dos meus pais e trouxe um objeto que eu não conhecia. Um computador que vinha acompanhado de um leitor de cassetes que estava colocado por baixo dele numa pequena caixa de madeira feita à medida para os dois. À medida que ele inseria cassetes e carregava alguns jogos, eu e os meus irmãos ficávamos cada vez mais maravilhados com esse pequeno objeto. O meu tio tinha-me dado a conhecer um dos artigos da empresa de Sir Clive Sinclair que mais maravilhou e entusiasmou a mim e a milhões de pessoas em todo o mundo.
Uns meses mais tarde, quando os meus pais compraram um ZX Spectrum 48K, foi o início de muitas horas de divertimento a jogar com os meus irmãos e com os meus amigos. E muitas horas a programar em BASIC e a ler jornais e revistas portuguesas, espanholas e inglesas dedicadas ao universo Sinclair onde aprendi também um pouco mais sobre essas línguas.
A emoção enorme por jogar e por conhecer mais sobre informática começou nessa altura e manteve-se sempre ao longo da minha vida, apesar de não ter tido uma carreira ligada a essa área.
Para a minha geração e para as seguintes, as muitas inovações criadas por este homem visionário e apaixonado por novas tecnologias e que pertencem a uma época da história da ciência muito importante, serão lembradas sempre com muito carinho e paixão.
Um exemplo disso, é existirem ainda muitas pessoas por todo o mundo que trocam conhecimentos, histórias de experiências vividas com o ZX Spectrum e com outros objetos desenvolvidos por Sir Clive, mantendo a memória viva deste homem fantástico.
Outro exemplo de preservação da memória de Sinclair e dos avanços tecnológicos alcançados por ele e por quem com ele trabalhava, é a existência, em Portugal, do excelente “Museu Load ZX Spectrum” que existe graças ao enorme empenho e carinho que o João Diogo Ramos e muitas outras pessoas têm e continuam a ter.
Muito obrigado por tudo o que nos deixaste, Sir Clive Sinclair!!!

I’ll never forget that in 1983, when I was 13, there was a day when an uncle of mine went to my parents' house and brought an object I didn’t know. A computer that was accompanied by a cassette player that was placed underneath it in a small wooden box made to fit both of them. As he inserted cassettes and loaded some games, my brothers and I were increasingly amazed by this little object. My uncle had made known to me one of the articles of Sir Clive Sinclair’s company that amazed and excited me and millions of people around the world.
A few months later, when my parents bought a ZX Spectrum 48K, it was the start of many hours of fun playing with my brothers and my friends. And many hours of programming in BASIC and reading portuguese, spanish and english newspapers and magazines dedicated to the Sinclair universe where I also learned a little more about these languages.
The thrill of playing and learning more about computer science began at that time and has remained throughout my life, even though I did not have a career in that area.
For my generation and for the following, the many innovations created by this visionary man and passionate about new technologies and belonging to an epoch of the history of science very important, will always be remembered with great affection and passion.
An example of this is that there are still many people around the world who exchange knowledge, stories of experiences lived with the ZX Spectrum and other objects developed by Sir Clive, keeping alive the memory of this fantastic man.
Another example of preserving Sinclair’s memory and the technological advances achieved by him and by those who worked with him is the existence, in Portugal, of the excellent "Load ZX Spectrum Museum" that exists thanks to the enormous commitment and affection that João Diogo Ramos and many other people have and continue to have.
Thank you so much for everything you have left us, Sir Clive Sinclair!!!
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Ricardo Fonseca from Maia Portugal wrote on 26 de September, 2021 at 9:58
Thanks for some many hours of fun, and so many friends made thanks by your work
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Rui Vicente from Sintra wrote on 26 de September, 2021 at 9:50
I can’t remember the exact words…it was something like “you’re in a dark cave, there are two doors, which one do you open”…and there was a keyboard and something flashing on the screen, waiting for my instructions…at that point, the Air Force Pilot somehow died in me…not sure how, but I wanted to be related to computers. Fast forward to today, I have to look back and thank Sir Clive Sinclair for a large chunk of my life. Here I am today, training teachers on how to use technology…taking my Mac computer on a ZX Spectrum themed case…thank you for everything!
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Tiago Cruz from Coimbra wrote on 26 de September, 2021 at 9:44
Significant people that pass away are not in the place we remember them to be, but rather with us. They become part of what we are and we ultimately become - this is the case for Sir Clive and so many like me. He is among us and will be, as long as we live.
My career into CS was kickstarted (unknowingly) at 9 years old , thanks to one of Sir Clive's brainchildren: the ZX Spectrum. From them on, I witnessed in awe how things unfolded to the present moment, but never forgetting the person who made it possible. This is one of the biggest gratitude debts I'm proud to have.
May Sir Clive's memory always be blessed and remembered with joy.
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Rui Nuno Castro from Coimbra wrote on 26 de September, 2021 at 9:42
Obrigado pelo que criou e colocou ao serviço da humanidade! Foi determinante para uma nova geração de inovação que, apoiada em muita tecnologia que criou e que dela derivou, nos permitiu avançar meteoricamente em direção ao futuro que hoje vivemos e que certamente amanhã continuaremos a viver à mesma velocidade, se não mesmo mais rápido. Definitivamente, Clive Sinclair tem o seu lugar na galeria ao lado das grandes figuras da inovação dos últimos séculos.
Ao Museu Load, o meu agradecimento por permitir que a comunidade em seu torno possa manifestar as suas mensagens de pesar pelo desaparecimento do génio Clive Sinclair.
As minhas condolências aos familiares e amigos de Sir Clive Sinclair.
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Hugo Cardoso from Vialonga wrote on 24 de September, 2021 at 23:44
I owe a debt of gratitude to Sir Clive Sinclair. The ZX Spectrum is one of my fondest childhood memories and sparked a interest towards IT and basic programming.
I would like to show my respect and send heartfelt condolences to his family. Be proud of his legacy and let's keep his memory alive by sharing his legacy with the upcoming generations.
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José Oliveira from Guimarães wrote on 24 de September, 2021 at 21:13
Obrigado por todos os momentos felizes que me foram proporcionados pelo Spectrum, a minha infância foi, com toda a certeza muito mais feliz...RIP
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Nuno Silva from Vila Nova de Famalicão wrote on 23 de September, 2021 at 16:39
O ZX Spectrum mudou a minha vida!! Obrigado Sir Sinclair!!
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Ivo Paiva from Trofa wrote on 23 de September, 2021 at 12:16
There is no possible way to ever show my gratitude and the inpact Sir Clive Sinclair had on my life... I owe all my passion to IT to him, i learned English thanks to the ZX Spectrum i got early on in my life (i was 3 at the time)... all i have archieved is deeply tied to those 2 basic skills and passions... and my love for gaming also came from there... so in a lot of ways, i owe my archievements in live to Sir Clive...
Thank you for all the possibilities you opened up for me and all that you did to make me what i am today, you will always live on in my memory and the memory of so many others lucky to have been touched by you... Rest in peace my friend.... we will miss you dearly.
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Sergix from Porto wrote on 22 de September, 2021 at 16:54
O ZX e o Basic foram o ponto de partida para o meu interesse na eletronica e nas tecnologias.

Ensinaram-me conceitos de logica e de programação e também a ter paciência para esperar que o jogo carregasse! E, claro, sempre com a banda sonora do leitor de cassetes como barulho de fundo.

Programar em Basic no meu 128K é das memórias mais antigas que tenho. E foram momentos felizes.

Obrigado Sir Clive Sinclair
Load ""
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Clovis Friolani from Santo André, São Paulo, Brasil wrote on 21 de September, 2021 at 21:08
fiquei muito triste com a Passagem de Sir Clive, muito eu aprendi com seu ZX, e depois lendo sobre sua vida, aprendi a perspicácia e vontade de gerir suas idéias e a luta para que elas dessem certo. E deu!!!
somos milhares de fãs, e com certeza felizes por passar horas em frente a uma caixa plastica com teclas de borracha que chamamos de "Meu Computador".
Obrigado Sir Clive.
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