Tributo a
Sir Clive Sinclair
Neste momento de pesar, o Museu LOAD ZX Spectrum compromete-se a fazer chegar as mensagens de tributo e condolências que nos enviem à família de Sir Clive Sinclair.
Tal como num livro que podemos folhear, as mensagens são obrigatoriamente públicas e por isso alvo de moderação (feita 1x ao dia).
Rui Vicente
wrote on 26 de September, 2021
I can’t remember the exact words…it was something like “you’re in a dark cave, there are two doors, which one do you open”…and there was a keyboard and something flashing on the screen, waiting for my instructions…at that point, the Air Force Pilot somehow died in me…not sure how, but I wanted to be related to computers. Fast forward to today, I have to look back and thank Sir Clive Sinclair for a large chunk of my life. Here I am today, training teachers on how to use technology…taking my Mac computer on a ZX Spectrum themed case…thank you for everything!
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