Tributo a
Sir Clive Sinclair
Neste momento de pesar, o Museu LOAD ZX Spectrum compromete-se a fazer chegar as mensagens de tributo e condolências que nos enviem à família de Sir Clive Sinclair.
Tal como num livro que podemos folhear, as mensagens são obrigatoriamente públicas e por isso alvo de moderação (feita 1x ao dia).
João Bárbara
Vila Nova de Gaia
wrote on 28 de September, 2021
Thank you much for all the joyous moments you helped providing to my young self. You changed personal computing forever, even if not in the way you had originally envisioned. Hope I'll be able to see you for some tea and biscuits when my time here is over.
Once again... thank you.
Once again... thank you.
... Toggle this metabox.