Tributo a 

Sir Clive Sinclair


Neste momento de pesar, o Museu LOAD ZX Spectrum compromete-se a fazer chegar as mensagens de tributo e condolências que nos enviem à família de Sir Clive Sinclair.

Tal como num livro que podemos folhear, as mensagens são obrigatoriamente públicas e por isso alvo de moderação (feita 1x ao dia).

Sir Clive Sinclair - Mensagem de Tributo

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Tiago Cruz from Coimbra wrote on 26 de September, 2021 at 9:44
Significant people that pass away are not in the place we remember them to be, but rather with us. They become part of what we are and we ultimately become - this is the case for Sir Clive and so many like me. He is among us and will be, as long as we live.
My career into CS was kickstarted (unknowingly) at 9 years old , thanks to one of Sir Clive's brainchildren: the ZX Spectrum. From them on, I witnessed in awe how things unfolded to the present moment, but never forgetting the person who made it possible. This is one of the biggest gratitude debts I'm proud to have.
May Sir Clive's memory always be blessed and remembered with joy.
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