Tributo a
Sir Clive Sinclair
Neste momento de pesar, o Museu LOAD ZX Spectrum compromete-se a fazer chegar as mensagens de tributo e condolências que nos enviem à família de Sir Clive Sinclair.
Tal como num livro que podemos folhear, as mensagens são obrigatoriamente públicas e por isso alvo de moderação (feita 1x ao dia).
José Borges
wrote on 3 de October, 2021
All my professional life, has come from a little black box I first saw when I was 12 years old. I have never been able to forget or disuse it, and I still have it with me as well as all the memories... Thanks Sir Clive, for changing my world by creating the ZXSpectrum!!!
... Toggle this metabox.