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Created by Tangerine Computer Systems, and instantly recognizable for its’ bubble gum-like keyboard, the ORIC-1 was released in 1982, just a few short months after Sinclair’s ZX Spectrum had been. This computer was released with the aim of making a mark and competing in the emerging 8-bit war going on in Europe.

The ORIC-1 had a very limited adherence and approval from the programmer community, and this resulted in a very limited game catalogue, with only around 400 games in total. This number was lightyears away from the thousands available for its’ Sinclair rival.

With sales under 300,000 units, its’ success (even though it was rather tame) was enough for Tangerine to get the financing it needed to design a new and improved model:
the Oric Atmos.

The Atmos, which you can also observe in this collection, is repetitive evolution of the Oric-1, with an improved keyboard and a new ROM version (1.1).

Technical Specs:

Release Year: 1982
Processor: MOS Technology 6502A @ 1MHz
Memory: 16/48K
Resolution: 240×200 (8 Colours)
Media: Cassettes
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