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Dixtronic was R. Morgado’s company, one of TIMEX’s engineers. From all the things they did and that we are still studying and investigating, we decided to highlight two that serve as an example of how to use TIMEX and Spectrum devices.

  • You can observe a picture of the old Estádio das Antas, from FC Porto, where, around 1984 there was an advertising sing controlled by TS1500 equipment. The keyboard on display is exactly that: just a keyboard to be able to “remotely” work on the computers that controlled the sign.
  • You can also see one of the “Notícias de Portugal” boxes (a predecessor to Agência LUSA) that used TS1500 devices and had an interface with telex and similar things. After that there were a few upgrades to what was than called LUSANEWS, using computers from the TIMEX Computer line.