Tributo a
Sir Clive Sinclair
Neste momento de pesar, o Museu LOAD ZX Spectrum compromete-se a fazer chegar as mensagens de tributo e condolências que nos enviem à família de Sir Clive Sinclair.
Tal como num livro que podemos folhear, as mensagens são obrigatoriamente públicas e por isso alvo de moderação (feita 1x ao dia).
Fernando Nunes
wrote on 20 de September, 2021
All lives matter, but if we measure the importance of a life by the impact it has on other lives, those should matter more. Sir Clive Sinclair had an impact on many lives, mine included. I started working very early in life, and my first "expense" (or investment?) was a computer derived from the original ZX Spectrum. I wrote (copied) my first lines of code on it. I grasped the assembler language on it which gave me a nice idea about the hardware. I obviously changed it for something more powerful after a while, but the impact was already their. It allowed me to discover what I would do for the rest of my life. So, yes... Sir Clive's creation had a direct impact on my life. Thank you.
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