(TIMEX Computer World Digital Archive)

This is the Museum's Digital Archive for all things TIMEX.

The contents here are a visible part of the museum's preservation efforts.

Thumb Aviso.pdf

Open Download Copy Link 1.35 MB 2021-02-15 15 de February, 2021 2021-02-15 15 de February, 2021
1.35 MB
Thumb Destacavel-do-manual-do-FDD.pdf

Open Download Copy Link 2.05 MB 2021-01-25 25 de January, 2021 2021-02-15 15 de February, 2021
2.05 MB
Thumb Manual-do-utilizador-do-Floppy-Disk-Drive-System.pdf

Open Download Copy Link 8.91 MB 2021-01-25 25 de January, 2021 2021-01-22 22 de January, 2021
8.91 MB

