Visit Guide

External Merchandising are articles we have recently acquired from online websites.

You can also see Internal Merchandising (that is, from the Museum). Alternatively, you can finish your visit, but do not forget to look up on your way out. There is a sheet with useful information that allows you to take us home with you..


In this section we have all kinds of bit and pieces dedicated to the Spectrum and Sinclair that we have found. The only pieces missing are textiles, due to a lack of space. Most of these were bought on eBay and other websites, which just goes to show how contemporary and present all of this still is.
Other than that, you can also see paper articles dedicated specifically to Sinclair’s C5, including some Ayrton Senna pictures, riding one in the F1 boxes.
We also have an array of illustrative letters that served as the theme of the many internal conversations we had with the Câmara Municipal (City Council) and that ended up in the creation of this new space.